Psychic FinancePancakeSwap V2 migration completed !1. Unstake your LP tokens from old farms and Remove liquidity from old type of LP(V1.Old type) * 30, 2021Apr 30, 2021
Psychic FinanceWe are happy to announce Create an Article or Video review about Psychic Finance Farming #PSY.RULEApr 10, 20212Apr 10, 20212
Psychic FinanceParticipate in predict bot and stand a chance to win PSY tokens!Join telegram Channel — Follow Twitter — Participate in predict market — Winner will be given points — points can be converted to…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
Psychic FinanceThank you fellow psychics for sticking with us.Again the team and developers are sorry for such a heavy delay but we have promised it and it is done 🚀Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021
Psychic FinancePsychic Market Q&AQ :What is the Psychic finance? A: Yieldfarm ,Predict market, Psychic NFTs card , with many ways to earnMar 27, 2021Mar 27, 2021
Psychic FinanceGreetings fellow Psychics,We have concluded the Early Supporters Airdrop Programme (24 February–2 March) with a total of 50 random winners which were split to…Mar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
Psychic FinanceHi fellow Psychics,First off, we would like to thank you for your patience. We know things in cryptospace moves quickly and we too have been less than…Feb 23, 2021Feb 23, 2021
Psychic FinanceWe apologize for the delay of the new UI/UX launch.Snapshot has been taken and tokens will be distributed to wallets automatically within 1days.Feb 21, 2021Feb 21, 2021
Psychic FinanceAs seen, we are getting plenty of new members every day and a lot of newcomers are still not aware…We have level card 3 typeFeb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021